Monday, July 12, 2010

Its The Journey That Counts

Hi there!!

this is on page 89....

Sunday morning.. Pastor Todd was preaching about being pregnant with who we are in Christ, and letting "it" take over. Never thought of it that way "flesh" being your evil twin and "spirit" being the good twin. And letting your "spirit" lead. See what he was saying is once you are born again, doesn't mean that the "flesh" evil ever leaves. You have to take control of it. And let your "spirit" good be the leader "God" over you life now. Hmm.... what a way to look at that. Just before getting ready for church. Which might I say, I knew I was suppose to be there because of the issues I was having to get ready and the kids ready. It never fails that I am not tested in that little voice in my head saying.... Its getting to late don't worry about it catch it next time. Or, OH man, you have to much to do you are NEVER going to make it. So instead of giving in, I decide to go as fast as I could. Told the kids to hush it and lets get ready! Before all of that I was thinking what am I truly doing that would make me with God's Kingdom.. Unsure I did pray God... Hey how ya doing? Its me Robyn... Yes your favorite one. Just wondering Am I on the right track? That is consist in my head. All I heard is Stop being so hard on yourself. See you know its from God when you feel it from your heart. When you hear those words flow through your body back up in your mind. And when its not. My heart has a little shock, a unsure thought or what? Always remember God will never lie and his words are with a sweet touch and won't make you fall or a state of confusion. So when it is right in your spirit then you will know its the Fathers soft touch. I am sure everyone is different on how he speaks but he knows you very well and how to get your attention well. So Pastor Todd was preaching about knowing who you are as well. He said, Taking control. I have takin control on some hard things in my life that were damaging to let go of. But in the end made it worth while. The thing is I couldn't understand why I kept thinking about them or why there were still apart of my life. Evil twin is still there. Just like he said, Am driving to go out somewhere and look over and there he is looking at me and his reply was "Didn't even know I brought you along with me?" Wow... so true! Just like we are born into Evil, we are not told from our parents to "You better lie More" or "You Better steal again" We are taught Good. We are taught that its wrong and how to act RIGHT. Ok so I got that part. But why don't I have a dream? What am I suppose to do? Then he said, Don't always wait for someone to come along and say "SmTownTexasGirl what are you going to be well let me tell you." You have to go to the Father on a personal level and ask him to began to unfold your gifts and dreams that he has made you to be. Because if you do this then it is more personal to God, you know just what to say and how you truly feel about the subject or your heart. But before all that Sunday morning I was trying something out. Almost everyone that crossed my path I did ask them, Hows your day going? And they would say great! I would say awesome! Glad to hear. Hope its the best day ever for you! Or to a female let them know Wow! You are so pretty! And they would smile but honestly its those little things that sometimes help out the most. If if you were one of those people I ment what I said, each one of you had sometime different I told you, but they true is half of you guys I know. And I know what you probably needed for a pick me up. Get it..... it was personal, I knew you personally and I knew you background. But to those I didn't know I hope it made your day special as if you were good friends. Just like before I left work one day. We have a joke at work that I say.... WOW you are soooo GOOD at your job and wink. As I said this one of the co-workers in the back said, No YOU are good at your Job! And I was joking when I say that. I am serious you bring SO much Joy to this place! We couldn't work without you. I thought how super sweet! And thanks! So with that being said, I still am not completely straight about where I am going and what he has planned for me. But all I know it I kept thinking about my blog.... How how people respond or how they email and talk to me. Then I also remember people that have come to me all my life and say things or ask questions about God, or ask me the same questions that I ask God about myself. And I answer them and help them out. Then that sweet voice says...... Don't be so hard on yourself, Those words are for you to. Its not a coincidence that I cross paths with certain people. So I tryed to think about all the things and conversions I have had with different people. And its time for me to receive some of that glory to. And I do believe that I will make it. And I do believe that I have dream or plan for my life. So really its that personal touch that I can make with God.

Seeds Of Hope by Terese Holloway published by Creation House -

Its the Journey that counts, on life's rocky road; Its the pearls found within, that are being exposed. Its the passion and love, of exploring life's dream; And finding true meaning, in small minute things!
Its the vision to see, through the eyes of the heart; The REAL meaning to life, while looking through scars! Its the Journey That Counts, as life's race is run; Keeping eyes upon Jesus--until the battles are won!

So with that said. Its my Journey and my Scars that are getting me there. For me it is those small things that I see. Just like getting up to get to Church...receiving the message and taking it along with me. People talking about they see JOY and I had two people at church tell me we love your blog! Keep writing we love to read. That ment so much because like I said sitting in my seat at church knowing that it just might be that blog and then suddenly I realized its God's wisdom "Holy Spirit" that leads me and the heart I do have is for the broken and the LOVE that I share to relate. And that shoulder I give them to cry on, or that person that just listens to lead them to God. I am that person that LOVES to show you. I am that person that can feel your pain or see the heart cry. The whole reason I am that person is because thats what GOD made me to be. I use to always feel forgotten, over looked not IMPORTANT, and most off all hurt and broken. But I remember when the sang came out "Brandon Heath" Give me Your eyes. That song is perfect. Even though I felt Forgotten, over looked, not important, and broken and hurt. I have never stopped giving that out to help others. Thats where the soft voice said "Stop being so hard on yourself" You can believe it to that was for you." So when I hear that song I truly am singing it as a prayer that he will give me all those things and they truth is I think he already has........

Here is a email I received (if the persons name is in I will change "Females" to Sally and "Males" to Joe:

Dear SmTownTexasGirl,

I love reading your blog. The small stories leading to the punch is fantastic. Please keep writing. I would like to start with my Husband cheating on me to, but they had a child together. And my husband and I are trying to work things out and stay together. I feel that God has told me to work it out. That it was out of my husbands character. How do I truly except that other child. I love my husband and I know it was a mistake. But why is it that I can't seem to get past this hate and just let this other women in, knowing that I can trust my husband now?

Thank you - Sally

Well Sally.... first off Wow! To you what a strong women for letting him back in and trying to keep the family together! God will bless you for trusting him that this is the right thing to do! That is major props for you! The best thing I can tell you do to is keep trusting in the Lord. Listen with your heart. Really Sally you have to remember this is not the child's fault. And how hard it might be for you to greet him/her into you family with open arms. But also remember how hard it is going to be on that child growing up in a family that is alittle damaged. And the hate this child might grow up with, thinking his mother was just a fling and "You" are his fathers... love of his life. You knowing that there is a issues is wonderful because you can take it to a "Personal" level with Jesus. This other women is going to be in your life for at least 18 years and the child for I hope forever. So honestly I am telling you the right thing to do is to except that this has happened. If you can't except it then you haven't forgiven. And if you haven't forgiven it is just going to make you have a grudge against, The other women, the child and most importantly your Husband.....And if you can't trust your "Coach" then your team will be on a never ending losing streak. So Sally lets pray together right now. Repeat this if you like it before you go to bed or before you get up!

Its me Sally. I have been broken down for awhile now. You have seen my husband, and the things he has brought upon our family. Please continue to give me and my kids strengh to forgive. Help us learn to love. My trust has been broken. And I need you to renew my trust. I need new eyes to see my family. I need a extra big heart to love my family and for this new child that you have given us. Help me love him/her and help me show my Husband that I am here and ready for this Journey together. No matter what Jesus. Make me New again. Make this not a hard daily Journey but a Growing one. Hold my hand when the tears fall and give me the signs I need to keep going when the devil says I can't. And consistly reminds me of what he did! Hold my chin up when my heart starts to hurt. Wipe my tears and give me HOPE that every things going to be ok! With all my heart I believe that you are here with me now. And that you will never leave me alone. And last but not least thank you for giving me a merciful heart, and that I may remember your mercy and love for another for all the days of my life. Thank you God and I receive this!

Remember "Its the Journey That Counts" So today believe that you can do what he has asked you! And know that you may be in the rockiest time in your Journey but being alone is a false feeling God is always there. My Journey does count! And so does yours. Let him expose your pearls! And Keep your eyes on Jesus! Take that "Personal" touch with God! Talk to him pour out your heart! He already knows it, just ask him for it. His time is not our time, but his timing is perfect! Lets release gifting tonight!! And expose "Your" personal touch from Jesus.

If you would like to write me

here is Brandon Heath Music Video I Love Love this song its great!

Signing Off - SmTownTexasGirl


Anonymous said...

Thank you SmTownTexasGirl! I am going to try to let God heal my heart and learn to forgive. I will focus on my family and get our coach and team back together again. hehe You are a true blessing. By the way How old are you? I see other comments saying at such a young age. You don't have to tell me if that is rude but I was just checking! Thanks again for including me in your blog today it made me cry out loud when I repeated the prayer and I feel alittle better!

Jennifer said...

FYI...if I was back in Small town, Texas...I'd so just want to come over and hold you right now. Cause I heart you dearly! So proud of you and freakin love your blog.

AND- "See you know its from God when you feel it from your heart. When you hear those words flow through your body back up in your mind." COMPLETE and UTTER PERFECTION! Such a great line describing hearing God. Love love love it!

SmTownTexasGirl said...

You are so welcome! If I tell you my age don't let this discourage you. Because really age does not matter in Gods eyes. He can still use my gifting to let him speak I just might I have opened it early instead of later! I am glad you hehe in the comment sometimes a cry,smile and laugh is true healing from God! I am 24 years old.... God Bless you and your marriage!

And Jenn Thank You! If you were here I would hug you back! :) Is that how you hear him to or is that just me lol?

Anonymous said...

Give us Pros and Cons on Influence and where are you?


Jennifer said...

Actually...yes it is how I hear Him...but I don't think I could have put in those words. Very fantastic my dear!

SmTownTexasGirl said...

I'm right here ha ha! Sorry took alittle vaca but sure I will do Pros and Cons for you!! Sorry I haven't written I will Promise!