Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Strength Within The Storm

Hi There!!

Definition of Mother/women - a woman who has given birth to a child, an inspiration.

Funny huh? How Fathers was so deeper and a mothers is giving birth or inspiration..... And people say God isn't real.... Hmm... Funny because I am using things are all around me to give out Hope to another. Anywoo... Thats another story. He is real and the bible already says these things.

Mothers, we are inspirational we love so unconditional. Even if your child was so bad and you couldn't believe it. You still love them no matter what. Love, I talked about that with Fathers how important it was. But mothers, LOVE is important to us. The thing is God made us so amazingly awesome. Not that we can't hate or that we might dislike something. Ex specially when someone messes with are kids! Then you think WOW! slow down MaMa bear... Take a deep breath. God made women to be partners to there Husbands. They are in charge and we join the team. We tend and take care of the home and kids. We teach our kids to love and honor by them watching you love and honor God and your Husband. My Mother always told me the greatest gift you can give your children is letting them know where you go, when you die. Yes! So with that statement you are showing them God and, How much you LOVE him!

We bring lots of things to the plate with softness and a caring ear and comparison. Men teach things alittle different. God made women to be delicate to obey to want that..... relationship with the man. Yes, mothers and women who doesn't want Romance? Ha Ha! So getting to my point of my blog today. We are important and I am going to start off with a little story that I heard on a miracle show along time ago and I have always thought about it in depths others probably haven't. I have a amazing memory. Its like a little sponge when I see something interesting or maybe even a life changing moment I hold on to it. Or even if it gave me some hope. Sometimes that can be good and sometimes that can be bad.

Bad..... How many memories do you keep that should more then likely be given to God? Can you count them? Ok... then thats to many!! Ha Ha!

Mothers and Women we are with our families with or without children. We have been made to be protected. Like it or not men are stronger and thats just how they were made. Have you been in that darkness with your husband/boyfriend that it seems that there is no way to run. You are stuck either because you are scared or because there is no possible way to get out(example) money or no where to go? Men that abuse women are not men at all... I have had several friends or people I have met along my little life time, that have either opened up or let me know because I might have been that shoulder to cry on. My first question is why are you still with them? I mean that is just my first thoughts? So I try to put myself in there shoes.... Verbal abuse is all I can relate to and I have forgiven several times. But Verbal or physical are both the same and yes you learn to forgive and try to forget even when you can't..... Its those memories.... We just have amazing ONES! Ha Ha! But in all seriousness so I can kinda relate. Maybe I am just the kind of person that would not let it get to the next level. And I have been cut off with that to. NO they will say, its not even like that one minute its your fat and ugly and the next minute you wake up with your head bleeding because you where slammed against the wall. WOW.... I am lost for words... I think the best thing I have probably even told anyone in those shoes would be RUN! and Don't LOOK BACK! And so they did. They got away from this person after all that she went through she finally had that person to give her that push to leave. Could you be that person? Or are you the person it is happening to while you read this?

Seeds of Hope by Terese Holloway published by Creation House - Tossed amidst the raging storm and waves upon the sea; Lost inside the waters--completely covering me! I cried,"Oh Lord, come help me" and He lifted me on high; He raised me up inside the storm, and gave me wings to fly.

Kinda like in Forrest Gump "Make me a Bird so I can fly far, far away. The little girl was scared and was getting abused and wanted God to come and get her! Why is that this is happening to women? Its not your fault I have heard many different stories to where the women were trying everything to be the mothers/wife/girlfriends to there men. Praying and asking God to make it better. To women saying or I let him have it. He yelled and I followed him around until he finally just Hit me. But it was my fault I need to stop yelling at him so much. Well... really its still not your fault. We all have our own self-control and you use it or you don't. There is no reason a man should hit or call you ugly names. The best advice I think I can give you coming from someone that has come to close to that would be I always tryed to defuse the situation. Or I got out of the line of fire, to make it not happen to the point of real damage. Meaning damage the kind that others can see. Thats when you remember hearing your mother say "Don't be unequally yoked."

2 Corinthians 6:14
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

And that means Christians are not to yoke together with unbelievers. That doesn't mean that we are supposed to shut everyone out of our life that isn't a Christian, but it means that those closest to us should be of the same faith that we are. Example: Husbands/boyfriends and Wives/Girlfriends.

God Warned us for a reason. He is trying to protect you. Not saying this man isn't the man that you are suppose to be with or not suppose to be with. What I am saying is while you dare to dream and pray about you perfect family and whats life is going to be! Do you see no fruits or any other sign that they even know God? They might have just told you that. If you believe in that "perfect man" then you should believe in the NOT so perfect man. So what I am saying is You believe that God has someone for you... Then don't you think the devil knows to? He knows who you like and what you are looking for to? Ever thought about that?

Seeds Of Hope by Terese Holloway publsihed by Creation House - I find that I can trust Him, to come and calm the winds; When I feel I'm going under, with no hope to rise again! Yes, even in the roughest winds and waves upon the sea; He is MORE than able, to come and rescue me.

Ok I am going to get to the story but first. If you have had to pray that prayer... Just like I have. God if he isn't going to change get me out of here! Or please God protect me and the kids tonight, keep us safe from this NIGHTMARE. Then remember you are still breathing and those kids love you! And that NIGHTMARE could become so much worse. You could end of dead or one of those babies or even Your kids seeing Mommy defending herself and she killed Daddy... Shocking reality but it happens everyday. You are strong! We women are strong in our faith and we are strong in our motives. We can pick up and leave or start the day over like nothing happened so the kids have a wonderful day! Don't let anyone tell you that you are worth NOTHING! Because God made us so very special and we are all beautiful in his eyes. No one is ugly or fat or useless. So Now I will tell you what could happen in that Nightmare.

This was on some Tv program I was watching along time ago. I think it was called miracles around us.

There were some soon to be parents that wanted to adopt a child of any age. They just wanted a child so badly. Every child that was coming up for adoption, was for a "open" adoption and this couple did not want that. They wanted to have the child as there own and still let the kid know but knowing that one day everything was closed and the closeness of them with the child could not be broken. The adoption agency called and told them we have a child for you his name is Jose he is three years old almost four. The women was so happy! She jumped for joy as she called her husband and let him hear the news. They both went that night to check everything out thinking by the weekend they would have this small child in a new and safe environment. The agency told them that the child is healthily and will need a great home and they couldn't have thought of someone better. The soon to be parents were so excited. The women asked what he liked and what was his favorite colors? Looking at her husband letting him know he would need to take off work to help get his room done. The agency stopped them and said there is no thing. The child is a witness to a murder case and well need to be placed as soon as possible will you be willing to accept these rules? While the case has still not gone to court? The husband stared at his wife. Who was murdered? Why is he a witness? The agency said his mother. The soon to be mother grabbed her mouth and said NO! I can't believe this. How is the child? She said quickly to her husband, we must provide for this child he needs some comfort and love right now and many just God. The soon to be dad agreed. He asked do we know who did it? The agency said if it goes far enough then we will need the boy but as of right now fingers point to the Father. They signed the paper work and the child was to arrive at there home in two days. The soon to be mother was still excited but also very curious on how the child was going to react and what damage was done? They went and picked out blues and reds. Because thats what they boy was coloring with when the agency ask what was his favorite things todo and colors. They got the room done and went to pick up the child that morning when he arrived. Everyone in the family was back at the house ready for the new addition. They got there to see a little boy with big brown eyes, little fat cheeks and a little dirty shirt. She smiled and said thats him! As the parents walked up to the child. The greeted him and let them know there names and that they would be taking care of him now. The mother handed him a fire truck pillow and smiled. She asked him can I give you a hug? The boy turned away. The Father bent down and said so you like that firetruck? He looked very unsure and said, yes in his little voice. The Father smiled and said because that is what I am! I am a fireman! Pretty cool huh? The little boy said, My name is Jose. The parents smiled and said Well Hello Jose! The agency said great! Lets get inside and gets some stuff taken care of and so yall can be on your way. They left the agency and headed home letting Jose know that where he was going to be living and what to expect and if it is to much we will make everyone go home. But they said there are kids your age and we have a pool! The little boy glowed as the words pool came out of there mouth. The Father was driving and asked the little boy if he knew Jesus? The little boy said YES! The mother turned and said GOOD! She asked him you say this with such excitement! Did you goto church with your other family. The Father looked at her with a glare! and said under his breath we are not talking about the other family!! He little boy said Church no? In his little squeaky voice asked what church was? The Father said where you go to learn about Jesus! He smiled and said lets go there. The arrived at the home and had a great party the little boy was so sleepy. The mother got him ready for bed. She said Jose did you love your room? He said to much red.. Her heart went in shock! The first flash was blood... his mother. She said oh I am sorry Jose. Would you like another color? He didn't say anything looking at his tooth bush. She helped him brush his teeth took him downstairs and get a drink and looked at her husband..... The red we have got to get rid of it... I think it reminds him of blood. The Father said oh no! He told Jose that red makes him think about the BIG fire truck that he rides in. Jose did not say anything. So the Father left to get all new bed stuff to go in the room as fast as he could. When he arrived, his wife and new son were asleep on the couch he put some old sheets and comforter on the bed and put Jose in his new room. Got his wife up and she got the others washing he said WOW, we have alot to learn. She said its ok God has blessed us with a son lets not worry about his sheets in his room he is asleep. She turned the monitor on so she could hear just in case he was afraid. As the weeks went by they started getting closer. Jose did not have togo to trial the Father confused. One Sunday there were at church Jose was in his Sunday school class. A women brought out a picture on a board to do a story about Jesus. She said, Ok kids! This is moses and this is Jesus. Jose blurted out that is not Jesus. The teacher said, Why, yes Jose this is Jesus. He said very upset, No that is NOT Jesus! She said well no its not Jesus he is in heaven with his Father. This is just a picture of Jesus. Jose started crying no its not a picture of him! He was crying so much they had to call the parents to the room. They got there things and got home. Jose was still crying. The mother was holding him saying that is just a picture! Jesus is in heaven Jose you are right that is not Jesus she was just showing you a picture to tell you a story. He said, but pictures look like me in MY pictures. The Father said yes they do. Then why doesn't Jesus look like his picture? The Father said because that was a fake picture of Jesus to tell a story. Jose cryed and cryed. The parents didn't know what to do he had been with them four weeks now. The mother said let me take him up stairs and talk with him. The Father let them go up stairs and he went into the office right by the child's bedroom. The mother hugged Jose so tight and said, Why are you upset Jose? He had tears and said because that is not Jesus. She was thinking maybe because the child was Hispanic and maybe had him in his head differently. So she said, They were just using the picture to show Jesus in to the story to tell his stories from the bible. Moses was on there to and that is not his picture. Jose said with tears falling down. I have never seen Moses. She wiped his tears and said well one day we will see, Moses and Jesus! And you can tell him you stuck up for him that wasn't his picture! As she smiled thinking Jesus was smiling at her. Jose said I have seen Jesus! He said so loud and thats not his PICTURE! The Father got up and went to the door. The mother said You have? Well what happened? Jose said he gave me a big hug! And he doesn't look like that picture. The Father came through the door. Jose you have seen Jesus? And he hugged you! How cool is that! Your Mother and I haven't gotten to see Jesus face to face! How special are you! He started crying and put his head in his lap. The parents knew something was going on so they comforted him and made him realize that whatever happened he is special and no matter what he has a awesome life ahead of him. The Father left the next morning to work contacted the agency and asked about the murder case and if it is closed. Can they get the paperwork? She said well as his guardians you could go downtown and ask here is his case number. The Father said did they interview Jose? She said yes. He said were you there? She said, no it was a different case worker in a different district. He said ok. He left togo downtown a week later he was able to go get the paper work on the interview with Jose. Him and his wife sat down to read it while Jose was asleep. It was very shocking and made them upset about what they were asking him. Reminding themselves that the police just wanted to get the Father in jail. So instead of the whole investigation here is what it said . My Daddy was very mad at my mommy. My mommy told me to go hide. But I didn't go hide I was behind the couch. He was hitting my mommy and she was crying. He hits my mommy all the time. My mommy told my Daddy go away! I covered my ears and started rocking back and forth this is what he showed them. And said someone save me and my mommy. My Daddy was calling for me and I was scared, he hurts me. My mommy said NO. And Daddy just said I am bad. My mommy was screaming very loud. Joe didn't come over. (the neighbor)No one came to help my mommy and I was scared. A man came up to me! Help my mommy! He told me to SHH (with his finger on his mouth) and he hugged me. He said, no one can see you. You are hiding now. I was not scared anymore. My Daddy was yelling for me and he couldn't find me he said shh (with his finger on his mouth) no can see you. I was behind the couch. And my mommy was not talking. The man told me his name was Jesus and that my mommy was going to live with him. And that my daddy was not going to hurt me anymore. He said, that its almost over and then the police walked in and Jesus waved and left me with the police man and the police women put a blanket on my head on carried me out. I told them my mommy went to live with Jesus.

Wow..... pretty good story huh? I love that story. The boy called and Jesus came to save him. Jose didn't even know Jesus. He just called for help. And Jesus saved his life and to continue on. Unfortunately lots of child might not have made it. If you are in a bad relationship or have scars from abuse. Call to God ask him to show you the way. Ask him to save you to be that "Strength Within The Storm." That kind of abuse not only hurts the people around you but can kill you. And you have probably heard that before. But LISTEN now you know this get rid of the scars, get yourself out of that relationship save your life and either your future child or childrens life's now. Don't be "My mommy went to live with Jesus." when it is not your time. With all I have in my heart WOMEN stay safe tonight call out to Jesus or that friend to give you that push to freedom which leads you to Jesus...

Here is a music video by Eminem "Love the way you Lie" this is the clean version but being honest the words in the song are what make it so real and tragic. That when the hate starts its toxic and the lyrics say it all. As us women take them back and play like We Love the way it hurts and we Love there lies because its not going to stop just listen to the end of the song.... He talks about if she trys to leave he will just kill her. Its bural but it reality.

Hope you enjoyed Love everyone of you. If you have a story or would like me to talk about a topic or just have questions feel free to write me at or just leave a comment I will leave it anonymous if you would like you have my word. Whatever you decide topic or questions I will talk about them or even find a poem togo with or a bible verse. Its what God gives me is what I will share with you! :)

Siging Off - SmTownTexasGirl


SmTownTexasGirl said...

And I forgot to put the page number Page 114

Anonymous said...

t's such a great site. fabulous, acutely fascinating!!!




SmTownTexasGirl said...

Thank you SO much! I hope you enjoy and feel blessed! I love the encouragement it helps me alot! You have no idea!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good evening

Definitely gonna recommend this post to a few friends

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!

SmTownTexasGirl said...

Well thank you! I'm hope it encourages them and they have a blessed day from it!!!

And Hi from Greece!! So far away very cool!!

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