Sunday, July 25, 2010

Slow Down And Take A Moment

Hi There!!

This is on page 94

I had a comment on my last post about Pros and Cons of influence. So sure I can Talk about that.

Definition of Influence - a power to affect persons or events, causing something without any direct or apparent effort

Ever thought about what you mean or what kind of person you are to someone. Who is watching you? I know everyone lives there own lives and you are accountable for yourself. But what if that person needs God, for example: a nice word, someone to lift there chin, or just a warm hug or a smile. Step back and take a look. Who are you?

Seeds Of Hope by Terese Holloway published by Creation House - Slow down and Take a moment -- remember, WHO, you are; You're just a human being, with a very HUMAN heart; Its a heart that sometimes hurts, and a heart that carries pain, A heart consumed by pressure, from unwanted stress and strain.

We are Human. When I step back over the years I look back and think about all the life's I have touched. And all the life's I most likely haven't touched. Or the times that I needed some better influence in my life. From the stories I have told you. Some were good and bad. No Matter what don't let yourself think that YOU are not a good person. Start over, look back what could you have changed to make the outcome a little better. Once you know that next time it might not be a good idea to yell and scream at them. Maybe next time I will turn and walk away. Yes easier said then done. Believe me OH how I know. Or if the tables are turned and you are the one being yelled and screamed at. Either you can defuse the situation or you can do the same "You win" have a nice life. See the thing is in the long run you will look back and know that your influence that day might have just changed the way they react to someone in the future.

We took a trip it was just my husband and I, we were listening to Eminem on a CD. I was sitting there thinking WOW... I use to listen to this music all the time. The things he says, the hurt in his raps. The anger this man has towards his life, mom and ex-wife were just crazy. And yes everyone knows how crazy he is. But for some reason when I listen I to feel his hurt and his pain. That I can't believe she did that to me! And sit back and think. His raps are just a testimony to his life. Even though they might be in a not so good way. One of the songs was about a "fan" the fan loved him, said you are the best in the world. He wrote and wrote him. He wanted everything to do with Emenim. While he never wrote the "fan" back he got anger and said look I can do what you sing about in your songs. Eminem would sing about locking his wife up killing her going crazy...... for example so the "fan" did just that by the end of the song the "fan" killed his pregnant wife and himself. Then he says to the "fan" don't do those things there just jokes. Its just talk I would never really do them. I think you need help. But it was to late. Wow... Influence can be a big deal. He influenced him in that song to idolize him so much and be his main influence that he did what Eminem did. Kinda scary.... Now that he has grown up and has children he is different he talks about rehab and how messed up he was and the things he did. And That he is sorry. The raps he sings now or more deep still have some words I would rather not say or use. But I do think that he is sorry. I know that he sees now that his daughters are more important and needs a stable life with there father. Wonder who is influence was to change him?

I always wonder what do my children really soak up when I talk to them. Is it good or bad? Just the other day, I was taking my son to sonic and he was in the backseat and he said, Mama? Yes baby? I said. Mom you know that memory thing we were talking about? I said yes. Well you said theres not a cure! But theres God! Can I pray for her? I said Yes that is perfect! Its funny how when he said mama whats wrong with her? She keeps asking over and over again. I said she has something called Alizmer Disease and it makes you lose your memory. He said can they fix it? I said not really baby, when you get older that happens sometimes. Its just harder to remember things. He took it as "child like faith" that well ummm mom you forgot. Which is so true! I did! So he pointed that out to me. But the thing is, it showed me that he listens to everything I say and watches everything I do. Whatever I do and say is his influence on his life. I want my influence to be great. I want to be remembered as that person anyone could talk to. The one that always had something nice to say. Not someone that made a easy path to HELL.

And I am not saying this to down anyone or church. Something that thing just keeps replaying in my head to this day. When I was young before all the craziness started. I remember going to church every Wed, Sat and Sun. Getting there loving it. Wanting to be involved in everything. When I said I can sing!! I went to the rehearsal and they said well we need a back up singer, like to try? I said Yes!! I would love to. Get up there and did that! Loved it! I was in the drama for the church everything imaginable. The thing is I went because I truly did love it. I remember going to get prayed over up at the front. The Pastor was up there praying over people and talking with them. I looked up and smiled as he walked up. He went right past me with this look. So I kept praying and then went to sit in my seat. I left church. The next night I was there. I went to talk to one of the leaders about having some hard choices in my life. Walked up and started to talk and the look in her face when I came up, I said do you have time to talk. She said, well yes but lets talk after church is it important? I said no its not. After church is fine. And I went and sat down. When church was over I left and went home. Went back to church the next time imagine that ha ha my mother would know it... if I wasn't there. I remember when I thought yay!! Its almost church time!! To when it changed.... You guys I have to go my mom will know if I am not there! Her friends will tell her. I felt guilt when I was there whatever it was I didn't like it. I went to the front when they called and The Pastor looked at me straight in the eye and walked off. I thought why does he talk to everyone else and never come and pray with me ever? I was little upset blew it off. And left church early to go out with friends. The next time I was there. The women came up to me and said wasn't there something you wanted to talk to me about? I said umm? No? Not really sure. She said oh ok! Just making sure. I had brought some "new" friends which I mean some that I was doing things I wasn't suppose to with. Really that my mother would have killed me. One of them said something that made me laugh. We were now just counting the hours to leave. When the Pastor walked over and said, Do you find something I said funny? I said no? Just sitting here listening and laughing at my friend. Then he stared at me with that look he would always give me. It always made me feel like I wasn't worth anything. That no one really cared if I was there. Why am I here anyways? And I asked him why do you look at me like that? He said nothing but the words just disappointing... And I got up and left the funny thing is the "new" friends were two rolls of teenagers that left. I was so angry. But I HAD to go. When I got back there. The Pastors daughter came and sat by me. I said HI! She said Hi! She sat and waited one of the other girls waved and she said can you move over please? I really want my friend here I said sure she moved with me and put her back against me. Wasn't nothing new all the favorite girls were really popular all seniors are! Or thats what I thought. He did a alter calling I went up there. When he was close to me I said, I am sorry for acting like that the other night just embarrassed. Then he did what he did best looked at me with that look and walked away. When he looked at me like that I can't tell you how it made me feel really, It is like slow motion of "Why are you here?" After that I got really bad into drugs and alchol. With my "new" friends. Now that I think about that it use to make me feel theres nothing for you here. I felt like God really never wanted me there. That I was not suppose to be there at all. I never went back in there again. That was the last time he would make me feel useless. Come to find out other people I knew said they felt the same way. Some girls and guys said you had to be in the popular group to be noticed. And some told me there story and there experience in that youth group. And it all kinda boiled to the same thing. We all felt useless and that we were not suppose to be there. I am not blaming that church for my mistakes in life. But in my heart I do feel like if someone or anyone would have been there for me to talk to it might have been alittle different maybe? The influence on my life at the time was so strong. The influence was to me that it really didn't matter no one cares about you here. And so I believed it and turned my back completely. And when you feel useless your heart turns cold and the hate level is strong. It it took forever for me to become soft again and remember what mercy is. One thing I have learned from all of that don't wait for someone to talk to you. Talk to God yourself! The thing is when you are young things will influence us in crazy ways to the point where it follows you. You gotta let it go and move on! Now I know that everyone needs to feel important that I know in my heart the lie that you and me are not important. So the influence on me might have turned bad but not in the long run. I will give you hope, and let you know how special you truly are that God does not think you are useless. That he loves you so very much! And if you stop to say HEY I have something to talk about want to talk to me for a sec? I will be all ears. What if that 10 min convo changes your whole life. And I stop the lies from coming into your life in the first place. See God is truth and he has people like you and me to spread it.

I heard a story the other day that I loved it!!

There was a man, he was a farmer his wife past away. And he stayed out at his farm alone. He decided one day that he would attend church. He knew his wife would want him to keep living and to be happy. So he thought that would be the perfect step to get his life back together. So he finished his morning arounds. Left his house and went a hour away to this church in town. He walked in to this beautiful church. He notice that everyone was dressed to impress. The women all had there Sunday hats on. The men were dress with nice pants and tyes. The children were little pink dresses and little blue bottoms. The church smelled like sweet roses. There would greeters by the entrance. As he walked through he notice some people staring at him. He stopped and thought hmm..... Went on in, as the greeter at the door said, How do you do today sir? First time here I see. Have a seat and enjoy. The man smiled and walked on passed. He sat down and listened to the preacher and sang some songs. At the end of the sermon he got up to leave and the preacher came by and said, Hi sir! How are you? The man stopped and said I am fine. He said well I had the committee come up and talk to me about you, and well we wanted to make sure you loved it here. That you got everything you needed. I also wanted to mention how you were dressed. The man looked at the preacher knowing he probably still had dirty hands and his clothes probably weren't the best in the world. He said sure what about them? The preacher looked and said, go home tonight and pray and ask God about your clothing in this church and how you should look when you come to this church. The man said, alright I will do that. The preacher said good! See you next Sunday. The man left, went home to his little farm and worked and prayed and prayed about his farm, his life and wife. But didn't forget to pray about what the preacher said. He got up took care of his duties on the farm. Then left for church. When he walked in. Everyone started staring, they watched him walk by. The preacher caught him by the entrance and took him back by his office and said well son, I thought I asked you to pray about what you should wear to this church? The man said I did. The preacher said, what did he say? The man said, He said, he doesn't know. What do you mean he doesn't know? The preacher said confused. The man said, He doesn't know because He has never been there....

You know that got'em for someone to say Yes, I did pray and he said that he has never been there.... What a wake up call. Instead of worrying about what his church wore or how big and beautiful it was the most important is God to be there. What do you think the influence of that preacher was on his people. Crazy huh? Just giving you something to think about. God doesn't care what you wear or if you don't look the best. The thing is this man just lost his wife and is taking care of a farm all by his self and still found the time to get over there trying to find that peace, loving presence of Jesus. And that church and preacher failed to give it to him. Scary to think that there are churches out there that are just like that.

So I didn't put pros and cons in a list but I hope that you understand what I am saying. Really the pros and cons on influence are Good and Evil. What role do you play not only in others but Your Own?

Seeds Of Hope by Terese Holloway published by Creation House - For, He's just waiting for the moment, when your heart will truly yield; To the suffering if emotions and the heartache that you FEEL! So slow down and take a moment -- Remember WHO, you are; Ans let God bring you comfort, to your tired and weary heart.

So today Slow Down and Take A Moment stop worrying about what you have done. Ask God to take that from you and throw it away! Start over be that influence that you know that you can be. When you find that you look back through the trash make that the moment that you laugh and say WOW! I have come so far from that! Remember someone could be watching you or someone might need that comfort from God, it might be as simple enough as sharing your story and where you came from. Or how you react to anything that happens. But if you fail pick up and try again. God will always love you. No one is perfect and will never be perfect until Jesus has come which is the perfect one. So think about Influence as Good vs Evil. Which one are you?

This song is by Chris Tomlin - Our God (just a song that might help get started)

Siging Off - SmTownTexasGirl