Thursday, June 3, 2010

Endurance Brings Gain

Hi There!

Day 3 with "Seeds Of Hope" by Terese Holloway published by Creation House - The weight of life's burdens are often heavy to bear; And the strength to arise is not always there. This is the first to lines of the poem... One word or number "16". This is will be for my younger crowd...Or Adults that have been through this or there. "16" what do you think about that? There was this girl who decided that she was all "grown" up. Wanted to find love, Friends, and a good time. She decided to make grown up decisions and got "Adult" consequences.... You know YOU will never find the love you are looking for from a "HUMAN" the love that you are looking for is from GOD. No other and will be no other! The Girl was pregnant at "16" and was so afraid that her parents they will hate her. She had to deal with Telling her parents..Telling her friends and "Making" a boy that doesn't want to grow up, realize hes a father and has to take care of her now... Going to school walking down the hall with the whispers...the laughs...the stares. Leaving her school and going to a "school" for pregnant girls. The girl was scared but knew that it might be ok..
She was to marry this boy and they were to have a son. To a girl that wants relationships that wasn't to bad. So she thought. They were married two months after the announcements of her pregnancy. To the girl everything was fine. Living at home with her parents because there is no way for a "16" year old to handle taking care of a child by herself and scared and wanted to live at her parents house. So her mother could help. Her new husband was going out and having a good time. And well she wanted to do the same. So she would go out, big and pregnant just to spend time with her new husband. But that had to stop because now the girl faces problems with the pregnancy and has to be on bed rest. Until the baby is born. Now the girl is not only alone in a new school.... with new people and really no friends, she realized that they kinda just all disappeared. Where did they go she thought? But soon her mother told her they are out enjoying there youth and life. So the girl understood and would stay home alone in her bedroom at her parents house. She cried every night. She wanted GOD to fix this. She wanted to be happy and not ALONE. It just seemed to get worse for her. Wheres my happy ending? Telling her new husband can you please stay home tonight? Can we go do something where I am not moving to much? His answer to her is NO. I am sorry but I have plans and its important that I don't break them. She soon realized she made a horrible mistake. This is not the man I am suppose to be with. She knew that God had better plans for her. Soon after three months of marriage the baby was born. She has never felt so much JOY in her life. She told God thank you for that and LOVED her baby so much! Got done with school and moved out with her new husband and things.. well looked good from the outside...But inside...was not what you thought it was. The girl would pray for GOD please do something. She knew her son could not go up in a house like this. So everyday she pray if he isn't going to change GET ME OUT OF HERE!! She struggled to find hope. But to the people that knew her they thought she was happy. She was all smiles. She knew in her heart that God would fix this. So she found her new husband with another women. First thought in her head. My Ticket.. She tryed to talk to him and tryed to make sure she wasn't wrong but he made it clear. So she left. Now almost 19 a single mother..alone moving back to her parents house. With a sweet little boy that had nothing to do with this. How could she do this to her son? Why ME God she always thought? But God already had a plan for her. And It was a wonderful plan. But she decided drinking and party to heal the hurt and pass the time would help but it didn't it made things worse more shame to add and then worrying about her little boy.

"Seeds Of Hope" by Terese Holloway published by Creation House - Yes, he will give strength, to go the next mile To overcome struggles and face every trail.

If you were wondering that "girl" was me. I had so much hate and anger towards myself and my choices. If having a baby and becoming a mother was not as JOYFUL as it was. I might not have made it. But in those to lines of the poem is what God did he always gave me a way out because I had FAITH that I would make it through this tears and all!! Every single day I quoted my favorite bible verse from the time it started until the time that chapter closed. "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1) You see sometimes we lose sight of wants important until we face something scary and alone. But God showed me I wasn't alone he was there. And I had my son of course. Which I named Nathan- and his name means "Gift from God" I wanted this all to be ok I didn't want GOD to hate me I wanted him to love me. If I only knew the whole time that is what I was looking for. Was Gods love. Not every story has a happy ending. Not every life is perfect. You see "Your" sin is no greater than the drunkard down the street! No greater then your friends lying to there parents to go out! And when you hear the someone quoting or a preacher, preaching this The Wages of sin are death....See its true! It may not be physical death but it was death to my youth and innocence.

Then I got my life kinda back to normal and trusted everything will be ok. I met my husband "Nathan" was his name. A Gift from God. I knew when I met him he was the one. His mother had a scripture that she went by every trail in her life and it was "Hebrews 11:1" God has such a great sense of humor! He knew I would notice those little things. Because he was with me the whole time and knew how important those were to me. Girls keep yourself for the one you love. Its not about how much that boy loves you. Or I can't live without him. Because the ugly truth is you can. YOU can't live without GOD and you know GOD will always love you!

I made it! I got through it! Only because I believed I wasn't alone and that Endurance did bring me gain and its my SON! I will always have something special just for him because of all we have been through together. Now I have a beautiful family and a awesome Husband.Now I can say as of this moment in my life I am happy with my GAIN!

"Seeds of Hope" by Terese Holloway published by Creation House - So, the next time life's trails, bring you great pain; Remember, HIS promise--and Let Endurance bring Gain!!

GO! You can make it to!! No matter what happens to you! Today is your day to look up at the sky..and remember HE is there! and he feels your pain and hurt. He is the only one that knows your heart. Just Have some Faith today and Hope for the rest of the road! He promises you will make it!!

signing off - SmTownTexasGirl


Unknown said...

Wow! This really was a great read. Nathan is such a lucky little boy to have such a great mom. :) I love reading your blog! I'm so happy your doing this! Thank you for sharing <3

Terese Holloway said...

You've come a LONG way but God was with you ALL the way!! I am so proud of you for going through your "go through!" God will not let anything be used in vain and ALREADY your life is a tetimony to so many other people. Love ya and am proud of you EVERY day!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am writing this through tears after reading this. You are such a strong young woman - God has gifted you with just the right tools to bring you through to where you are now. I am an older woman who did go through a very similar experience when I was younger, so I can relate!! Thank you for sharing this - it ministers to me so much!

SmTownTexasGirl said...

Thank yall! And yes I'm glad it ministers to you!! I know there are young and adult women who have gone through this some still may be carrying to pain... And well other it might be in there time in life! I hope God blesses you and to know you are loved and perfect to God!! He just needs you to let go and let God! :)