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Seeds Of Hope by Terese Holloway published by Creation House - I've planted seed in the drought when I could not smell the rain; I've watched the storm clouds gather but still my faith remained. I've adjusted to the summer's heat and long hours into night; I have wearied through exhaustion but I've continued in my plight.
I was sitting and thinking today.. How many things really have I done and still watching for or asked or to see what is to come.
The definition of Experience - go or live through
The definition of Wisdom -the trait of utilizing knowledge and experience with common sense and insight, knowing the outcome and truth
Now as to the Fear of the Lord, here too a distinction is to be made between servile fear (fear of punishment) and filial fear (whereby a son fears to offend his father or to be separated from him) Now it is not servile fear but filial fear that is the Gift of the Holy Spirit and which Scripture commends. Hence, when Scripture says we should “Fear the Lord” it does not mean that we should run and hide because God is going to punish us, but rather that we should receive the the gift of the Holy Spirit wherein we dread to offend God or be separated from him. This, I hope you can see, is a very precious gift. And although the word “fear” tends to elicit negative reactions, I hope to show you that the Biblical world experienced the Fear of the Lord as a very great and highly prized blessing.
You know when you have come to a place in your life that is so crazy and the storm is wild. And you look at it with youthful eyes and don't know how to handle or how to take care of it. Those are the days or learning. When those days never end and the fun or quails never stop. Those are what you would call inexperienced not aware... don't know how to put a handle on things. I know that I have had plenty of those days. Quick to react and quick to responded and easy on judgement to people or issues.
Experience I guess you would also call it wisdom. You see I am not very old but I know that I do have wisdom. I've always been the mother hen of the group or always the one to be quick to take care of someone. The thing is I will always love taking care of people but with even more wisdom I have learned about people that use and abuse you. Wisdom comes from experience. I have one child and thought the second one would be easy ha ha think again there different some things that I did with my first my second did not like. But things that I do with my second the first doesn't like. They funny thing is they both kinda have a weird way of being the same. So I guess you can say I have gained experience from the children. My work, my marriage and my life all have certain things that would take experience from that I have gained. Wisdom, if I were to tell you or your parents or someone that you trust. I think that is a bad choice.... That just isn't the answer to this or the boy/girl you should be dating. My first thought would be because this person see something they had to deal with and is trying to give you wisdom. The thing is Wisdom is not given it comes with experience. But the trick is to listen to higher Counselors whether it being your parents, or someone that has been in that boat. And most of all GOD! They only reason people give advice is to give you information. Which later in life turns into experience.
So with all my go through everything that I know and feel or planted I hope I have a HUGE harvest and that with choices I make that they are made because of wisdom. The Fear of the Lord gives you wisdom. When you have personal attack on your family or life. You should make a choice.... is this choice going to be Let's have peace or Let's start a fight. If You choose to Fear the Lord then you will make the right choice. I would fear that he would frown upon me making everything into a fight so I have now gained wisdom with my choices. I want God to be proud of me not to frown on me ... And now that starts becoming natural so next time it happens its called experience. Which to some people could look like its alittle selfish. But I am not trying to have self love..What I am trying to do is learn right from wrong and Listing to the Holy Spirit and and doing whats right for GOD I do feel joy and praise for him! Sometimes we have to take baby steps to learn who we are and how to react! And theres nothing wrong with that!
So you look at Experience,Wisdom and Fear of Lord... Turn it around and goes To Fearing, Gaining Wisdom and now experience. The trick maybe you won't have to go through so much hurt and pain to find out that maybe wasn't such a good choice in my life... OR maybe I should have treated them better. Or WHY is this happening to me?
Seeds Of Hope by Terese Holloway published by Creation House - Yes, the seed I've sown seems endless but I've yet to see the crops, For its hard to SEE the harvest when the ground is hard as rocks. You see, the season of the summer is work from dawn to dark; And Often times relentless--a dry and dusty work of art.
But the harvest follows summer and that seed within the soil; Will flourish in the sunshine,amidst the sweat and toil.
You see so when you come to that certain time in life when you know that you have done wrong or maybe your the person that went through the issues. Keep praying because no matter what YOUR crops will grow and your harvest will come. So By Fearing the Lord you will make the right decision so the next time FIRE comes to your crop you know how to put them out with wisdom.... So then you turn and give experience to either your situation or to another. And so on and so on. And you will get victory! In your harvest...... I will not let any wolf into my hen house for I am on guard and I also have peace for the first time about everything in my life. Knowing God is there and he does care. And just alittle reminder he gave me Experience and it can be define with the word!
The bible verse on my daily app is this -
2 Timothy 2:24-25 And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth!
So today when you read this or just have daily life. Look at your experience... And when you do share it. Give Wisdom show people your go through let them know there not alone. Your wisdom may be good or bad. But we have it because it is there to help us make right choices and again Right choices start by Fearing The Lord! And Wisdom will be for you to keep! So Stand still and Listen tonight. Your story may just lead you in the right direction. And your harvest could be bigger than you imagined!!
I will finally get mine....
And a special thanks to Matt.... Whoever you are?? I feel in my heart that you were sent from God! And So God Thank you for not only showing me with daily life but confirming that YOU know and Love me and my family so much! And you are watching and winking and giving me a smile. I will receive that! And as for me and my Family WE are going to do GREAT things! Buckle your seat belts cause this is going to be a bumpy ride! And I am IN!
Signing off - SmTownTexasGirl
This Video is by Britt Nicole - I wanna set the world on fire!
This song has always touched my heart because the song is something that I feel like will happen one day and just maybe you just needed to hear it to get you started with your dreams!!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Summer Season
Posted by SmTownTexasGirl at 4:52 PM
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