Monday, June 28, 2010

Maintaining Balance

Hi There!

Definition of Father - a person who holds an important or distinguished position.

Maintaining Balance....Wow...Don't we all need to learn to maintain. So hard in this day and time. Today I saw someones status on facebook and it said "downloading" in my heart. Which she was talking about everything God was filling her heart with. I saw that and laughed because all day it was just pouring in. So I was downloading in the spirit today. Thanks Tricia! Fathers is what I was thinking about all day. Just how important a MAN is as a husband and as a "Father" by the way the definition is in the dictionary as what I have already put up there for ya. So you think "important" and "distinguished" position. The bible talks about how important the Husband is in the household and how important he is for his children. The Husband is held responsible for his family. And for the household. He is called The Priest of the home. My mother always told me the greatest gift you can give your children... Well is the LORD of course, but letting them know where you go when you die. I remember her telling me this. And until I was older I never realized just how important that really is. The worry or the regret you would have wondering where are they? Did they go to Heaven or Hell? How sad is that... That some children are sitting up right now and thinking... I wonder if my Father is in Heaven or Hell? Yes Mothers we are important to but I am just going to talk about Fathers in this blog. Fathers are the glue to our giant puzzle. They hold us together and make things work. Without them families fall apart. And without a stable Father it will happen very quickly.

I am going to tell a story about a man I knew back in my day. I will call him Big D.
I was pretty far from home, just arrived went to the store and got groceries. Got back to clean up and get stuff in the house. When my cell phone rang and it was a friend that lived there. (we will call her B) I answered the phone asking her whats going on girl? Before I could spit it all out. She screamed, ARE YOU AT THE HOUSE? I said yes? I am almost there and I have my kids. Big D is acting crazy and mad. I said, Ok? sure come over but I don't have my son. Little did I know that was a God thing. As she pulled up I was outside, getting the last groceries. B was crying so hard. I went over to her car and got in the passenger side and asked her. Whats going on? And Are you ok? She was crying so hard I couldn't understand her. All I could make out is Big D is drinking and is very angry! I said, Well come in and let the babies sit down inside and play. They don't need to hear all this about there Daddy. She said its to late they saw him. I said well lets protect them alittle more. It was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon. I was also thinking, Wow alittle to early to be getting drunk. The kids in back seat were five,four and one the oldest being a girl middle a girl and the youngest being a boy. Beautiful babies and so sweet! I opened my door to get the kids out the side. Before I knew it. A truck pulled up and I heard BOOM BOOM. It was Big D. He was hitting the side of the van with his fist at the drivers window. B was screaming to stop! And I was screaming for him to stop! I was trying to think fast. The kids were in the backseat crying and screaming not to hurt there mommy. I stared into there eyes. And my anger grew more and more! His fist went threw the glass.... I jumped in the backseat and grabbed the two smallest of the kids and told the oldest to COME ON! Before we got out of the car he was pulling her threw the window as she screamed! I ran the kids inside put them in the back bedroom. And looked at the oldest with the biggest tears in her eyes and said, keep your sister and brother safe. And STAY IN THE ROOM! NO MATTER WHAT! Do you understand me? She was so afraid. The middle child couldn't even speak all I heard was mommy is hurt! I said, I know I will be back! Everything is ok! I left the room. Think what I am telling myself. What am I going to do? They call him Big D for a reason..... So I called 911 and went out the back door around the house with a baseball bat. And he was gone? And B was laying there hurt. I told 911 what happened and they said they would be there shortly. I said B!! you ok? All she asked was where are the kids? I said they are fine I locked the house and I have the keys. I told her not to go in there and let them see her like that. But when the police got there they kids did see her. I found out that when he drinks that happens alot.. the middle child told me. B would never tell me that. I haven't seen her since that all happened. I was 18 years old. I do recall sitting in the room with the kids while the police were talking to B. And was talking to the kids giving them hugs and snacks. Looking at what damage there "Father" just did to them. Thats the first time I realized how important Fathers are to the family. His glue wasn't holding anything and his family was falling apart the kids really wouldn't be able to trust there Daddy and the son very well could think that its ok to treat women like that. And his daughters may find a man that has no respect for women. Get my drift? You are the playing ROLE in the family like it or not!

Seeds Of Hope by Terese Holloway published by Creation House - Lord, may I maintain by balance--through all my highs AND lows. Sustained with grace from heaven and my faith in Your alone. May my afflictions last a moment and then quickly dull and fade; As the breath from Your own nostrils, comes to blow them all away.

I am not telling this to bash Fathers. Like I said they are so important. Its like I always make fun of my husband for calling his Father "Daddy". But the truth is I just like to egg him on. But really he calls his Father "Daddy" because he is a Daddy to him. I asked him one day. Why do you call him Daddy and not Dad? My husband looked at me and said, because he is my Father and he has always been a real Daddy to me. He has raised me to be a man. And he is just not a DAD he will always be loved with all my heart as Daddy. I smiled and think that is cute. And I do understand he is that man. That my husband feels safe, the man that if he needed anything advice to help. He will be there.

I had a friend don't get mad "Ashley" ha ha I am going to talk about her Father. He was invested into his kids 100% He knew where they were. Knew what they were doing. He made rules and you didn't break them. Ashley and I would always try to get in trouble or go do something and He and his wife were like a team no one ever beat them. Ugh! I use to think we can't do nothing haha! But the truth is look how well his family worked. He invested his time and energy into his family and not that they never got in to trouble. But the knew there were consequences from the Father and if they were willing to face them, then they might just cross that line.

So if you start looking at God as your Father.... Don't you think you would rethink the consequences before making a decision? Ashley's Father taught God,respect and right from wrong. What do you think Big D taught his children?

I could go on and on about Fathers... Really what you need to know is that you are the man of the house! You show your kids how to act in the real world. Give them the gift of God,respect and right from wrong. So that they have the tools to be a successful person. And when they have kids they are repeating the correct process to your grand kids. And your heart as a Father can feel like JOB WELL DONE! And you know your family for generations are protected.

A Father that doesn't show love or interest to a child. Lets start with a Girl. A girl will go and find that love from a boy looking for that Father figure in there life. Which can lead to a world of hurt for her. A Boy will end up looking for someone to show off to. Someone that can invest there time with them (and it could be bad investment). He will look for every man possible to give him some attention and to feel loved and to impress. So Fathers what is it that your kids are looking for? LOVE. Love your girls show them that you are there. Most of all show them by loving your wife spend time with them and make them truly feel like a princess and to know that you do care about her needs and what boy is at the house. And to your son show interest in them. So them how proud you are of them. Show them that they mean the world make them your real buddy your best friend. Most of all teach your kids about God. Show them how much you love and trust God! And guide them to the understanding that they are really looking for The "Fathers" Love. Which is Jesus. And that God made you the Father to train and take care of the family.

Seeds Of Hope by Terese Holloway published by Creation House - May I find Your very favor in the midst of every trial And receive, Your joy promised, to walk another mile. In my prison, keep me singing even when there's nothing left. Lord may my eyes be ever upward and NEVER upon self. And then when HIGH times come, may I never soon forget Your benefits extended, through the blowing of Your breath.

So no matter what trail you or your family are in! You can change it. Don't think that you can't. As a husband take care of your wife! Let them know that you are there to protect, guide and take care of the family and truly be a priest of the home. My desires are to have that Godly home. That where you know God dwells and you can feel it. I know we are almost there and we will get there! Husbands did you know that the bible says for you to LOVE your wife. And your wife to obey. It never says to your wife to love your husband. So what it is saying "Fathers" LOVE!! is the most important thing in your household. Love is your glue use it get your family all back together again. And your wife and children will obey and listen to your instruction. And to start this is to start LOVING God. And the rest will come to follow. Be a "Good" example to your kids. And be a "Good" leader for your wife. Lead them!

This is a music video..... I was thinking about this blog and really didn't know how to start it off or write it... I got into my car to go home and said can I have a song to encourage me with this! Is this what I am suppose to be blogging about? Nothing stood out. Then I left from getting my kids and this song came on "Lead Me" and I knew right away. This was my second time to ever hear it. And it really touched my heart because this song is what my heart desires and as all women do. And its ok thats how God made us! And thats a whole New story!! :)

So Men with all that said Go! Be a Priest of YOUR home. Start today by Finding and Loving God! And God has so many promising things for you!!

Signing Off - SmTownTexasGirl


SmTownTexasGirl said...

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12)

I almost forgot to put the bible verse in there!! Love this verse!

j said...

Fathers sure come in different forms. My adopted father was fantastic, not perfect. There was never any doubt he loved my brother and I.
My biological father spent time caring for himself. Each of his children just wanted to be loved by him and know it in the most inner part of their being. In many cases, each one tried and failed to capture his deep attention.
My Heavenly Father has never lied to me, forsook me nor stops thinking about me. The best kind to have. I am only sorry I do not measure up to the full potential He has designed for me. Just keep trying!